Victoria School
Track & Field Team Pole-vaulter
Likes basketball(of course)
to go out
to study(sometimes)
to EAT!!!
Moi favourite :)
Chicken rice, Ban Mian, Char Kway Teow
That special girl(:
SingTel student plan
Lots of other things...(:
Wednesday, May 28, 2008 Yoz people!This is my first time blogging lols=)all my friends were talking abt blogging so I decided to try it out lols. And the fun thing abt blogging is that its like a public diary hahas=). Oh yes anw lets go straight to the point and dun beat about the bush diaoz. Yeah...I'm in Beijing now visiting relatives hahas=)The weather here is SUPER hot man!It's like 33degrC wth, anw I'll be buyin' olympic dolls for all my friends=)(which i havent buy yet cause my mum dun allow me to go out that much as she wants me to accompany my grandfather, who is very ill, he can't even talk and move around easily...I'm so sad...). Oh yes, enough of the sad things...Beijing is like doing some last minute preparation for the olympics can actually see construction workers reconstructing the roads as its damn crooked like there was just an earthquake like that lol. oh ya, I cycled against the trafic lol cause china roads is like the traffic goes forward on the right lane while in singapore the traffic goes forward on the left lane lols...Erm...gtg walk walk with my grandmother lerh...she misses me alot hahas=) cya!